Email Troubleshooting Print

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In order for AEserver to provide the best support, please first define where is the problem happening? 

-Home or work computer: 
     a. Is the connection using IMAP or POP3?  
            (Pop3 only allows 1 connection to connect at one time.)
            (Imap can have timeout issues if there is no recent activity.)
     b. Is it a problem sending receiving or both? 
            (Sending issues are normally caused by incorrect SMTP settings.)
            (Receiving issues are normally due to incorrect usernames and/or passwords.)
            (Please check webmail to see if unread messages exist, or can send messages.)
    c. Are the SMTP settings correct?
           (Settings are normally for incoming, outgoing can use either your ISP's SMTP server settings or
    d. Are you using an SSL connection?
           (Please try with out SSL connections)

To provide the superior service please have the following information ready:

  1. Your domain name.
  2. Username(s) for the affected E-mail account(s).
  3. Password(s) for the affected E-mail account(s).
  4. The amount of addresses affected, is it just 1 email account or is it all of them?
  5. A copy of the exact error message you're receiving (screenshot)
  6. A complete description of the problem and when it occurs (e.g., sending, receiving, or both?)

Other information that can be helpful includes:

  1. The E-mail client you're using (Outlook, Mac Mail, etc.)
  2. The speed and type of your Internet connection
  3. If you have access to a different ISP account, does the problem occur with that connection, too? Try a public wifi or your mobile 4G connection.
  4. Is the problem consistent or random?
  5. When did the problem start?
  6. The results of a traceroute to, where is the name of your actual domain name.
  7. If a blacklisted or returned email please include the full headers of that email.

NOTE: If you are unable to receive mail from your account after working through these steps, please provide an off-network e-mail address that we can reply to.

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