
.QA Domain Names now Live! AEserver is .QA Accredited Registrar

  • 30th June 2013
Dubai, 30 June, 2013. AEserver is pleased to announce that it has acquired the license and accreditation to operate in the new .QA name space. The .QA domain name represents the national domain name of the State of Qatar which has a population of almost 2 million people..QA and the Arabic IDN .Qatar (قطر) are both open zones and any person ...
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41st National Day Promotion

  • 2nd December 2012
AEserver is pleased to annouce our latest promotion: $41/AED 150 .AE domain name registrations/renewals to celebrate the 41st National Day of our great home and country. The national domain name of the UAE, the .AE in a similar way like the rest of the nation continues to evolve with the great efforts of our leaders over the past years. Invest ...
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.AE/.Emarat Registrar Name Changes

  • 14th August 2012
Dubai, 14th August 2012: Attn: All .ae and .emarat domain name license holders with AEserver/Engage and our resellers, known here are the registrants. Effective immediately, the Registrar Name of Record for all .AE and IDN .emarat domain names will be changed to “AESERVER” from the former name “ENGAGE”. This comes into effect due ...
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  • 19th July 2011
Dubai, UAE: Tuesday, 19th July: The server is currently experiencing delays in serving DNS requests due to a fault with the DNS server once again. This has been an ongoing problem for this server and we are working very closely with our data centre to mitigate this issue. The symptoms of this problem are: Mainly slow ...
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